The Rise Of Transmitted Disease in Canada, Saskatchewan

By: Areesha Kansi

(Image by Areesha Kansi)

"Being seen does have value. A voice does have Value. I have the support of my boyfriend, my great friends, and my loving parents. Many do not and this is, in part, for them" - Olympian Ji Wallace, on coming out with HIV.

Canada is frequently applauded for being one of the best nations in the world. Canada has consistently been regarded highest in terms of our free health care, fully accessible education, and general political security! However, we often overlook the drawbacks of living in Canada and the vast issues our nation confronts. One of the biggest threats to global health and development, especially in Canada, is HIV. Saskatchewan has the largest HIV transmission rate in the nation. Transmission of HIV rates in Saskatchewan remains consistently two to three times higher than the national benchmark, ranking it the highest overall within our country. 


HIV is transmitted predominantly more within ethnic minority groups than the overall population. This is linked to significant issues with racism, sex education, homophobia, poverty, drug addiction, etc. Schools with Predominantly white pupils have higher funding and better educational prospects given access to greater resources and instructors. Less than 45% of Black students have received sex-ed training, compared to 57% of White students. Whilst, based on prejudice and stigma, queer people are less likely to seek treatment and use preventative medicine rising HIV rates. The queer community accounted for 34.4% of HIV diagnoses in Canada in 2018 and 33.6% in 2023. Overall, HIV predominantly targets individuals in low-income communities and minorities with limited access to HIV prevention services.      

"This journey of education and breaking stigma around HIV is something that will have a legacy everlasting" Gareth Thomas  

Needle Sharing:

In Saskatchewan, drug use is extremely more prevalent than in other provinces. Saskatchewan had the highest incidence of opioid poisoning hospitalizations of any Canadian province, at over 21 per 100,000 persons, compared to the national median of 13.4%. The majority of HIV/AIDs is commonly spread by people who inject drugs and share needles or syringes. Among the 37.5 % of people who share needles, over 13.2 % were reported HIV-positive. Therefore, HIV is a rising problem our province faces, that also interconnects to racism, poverty, stigma, drug abuse, and the overwhelming lack of education regarding the topic. 

        "HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug: Heaven knows they need it". - Princess Diana


            Firstly, the lack of education for Indigenous and black students is aggravating and must be addressed within our federal government. HIV is preventable with the right knowledge and proper treatment centres within our province. According to "Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis", (CEO of Communities Alliances) the epidemic that denied individuals suffering from addictions necessary treatment played a significant role in the exponential rise in HIV/aids cases. Saskatoon alone only has two reliable exchange needle locations! Our government needs to prioritize helping individuals battle addiction and funding more exchange needle programs to decrease HIV transmissions. Overall, the federal government of Canada must take immediate action regarding the rapidly expanding health problem of HIV within our nation.

Works Cited

“Drug Users, Advocates Weigh in on Why Sask. Overdose Deaths Are at Record High | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 14 Sept. 2020,

Facts about Drug Use and the Spread of HIV - United Nations Office on ...

“HIV among People Who Inject Drugs.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 June 2022,

Mantyka, Wayne, and David Prisciak. “Sask. Reports Record Number of New HIV Cases.” Regina, CTV News, 25 May 2022,

Published: Jul 27, 2022. “The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic.” KFF, 6 Sept. 2022,

Saskatchewan Reports Record Number of HIV Cases in 2021.

“Why Are Gay Men More at Risk for HIV?” Greater Than AIDS, 14 May 2022,


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