How can Prince Albert National Park justify spending almost half million dollars on a mini golf course an editorial by Tyler

How can Prince Albert National Park justify spending almost half million dollars on a mini golf course.
Tyler Charette Oct 30, 2017 9:35 AM

Entering Prince Albert National Park            

Prince Albert National Park is spending $466 000 on a mini golf course. Prince Albert National park is built on First Nation land. A large percent of the parks visitors do not know it was built on First Nations land. The First Nations people have not been thanked or paid for the land. The Metis is looking to be thanked and recognized for giving up the land not paid. I think the National Park set aside $60,000 to build a thank you statue for the Metis.

Why does there need to be a half million dollar mini golf course at the lake? The golf course is going to have 18 holes if they take $60,000 off their budget they will still have $22500 to build each hole. It is insulting to almost spend half a million dollars on a mini golf course when you can't even recognize where you've gotten the land from. In their budget for the golf course they don't have to pay for the land so $466000 is just for materials and labor. The kids that are playing at the mini golf course will not notice the difference between a $466000 course and a $406000 course.

The Metis would like to be recognized through a statue such as a totem pole. Totem pole would be a perfect way to represent the tribe and tell a story. Plants around the totem pole can be native plants such as sage, sweet grass and tobacco. Another example of a statue the park could build could be of the Metis chief. The statute of the chief could also have plants native to the area around his feet. Wood would be the best material to build the statue out of not only because of its strength but because of its spiritual meaning.

Prince Albert National Park is spending $466 000 on an 18 hole mini golf course. There is no excuse for them not to spend some of that money on a statue for the first nation people. A mini golf course does not need to be the almost Half a million dollars especially when they're not purchasing the land with that. Most of the parks resident don't know it is built on First Nations. It wouldn't take that much time to build a statue especially because there will be construction crews there building the mini golf course.


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