Let’s talk about Harvey Weinstein an editorial by Domini

Let’s talk about Harvey Weinstein.
Domini Meyer Monday October 30th 2017 9:41am


This is a photo a Harvey Weinstein
I’m sure by now we’ve all heard about Harvey Weinstein, but if you have not heard about him yet then I’m going to assume that you’re either a shrew who lives under a rock, or a recluse who never leaves the house and doesn’t have any form of news available. So, in the case that you, my dear reader fall into one of those categories I’ll fill you in.
Harvey Weinstein, is the co-founder of Miramax films with his brother Bob.  If you haven’t caught on, Harvey is a movie producer. I know what you’re thinking, “why do I want to know about some 65 year old movie producer?” you’ll want to know because he is a man who for that last 2 decades has been using his power to sexually harass and assault actresses in the movies he has produced. Some of his movies include: Shakespeare in love, My week with Marilyn, the Kill bill franchise, Pulp fiction and Good Will Hunting. These are all such great movies! Makes you really think about what really goes on behind the movie magic.
   Let’s go back to the topic of power abuse. When I say that Harvey abuses his power I mean that he uses his status as a producer to bribe woman by promising to boost their career if they do what he asks them to. The first time Harvey was accused of that sort a behavior was 20 years ago when he invited actress Ashley Judd to the Beverly Hills hotel for what Judd assumed to be a business meeting.  Judd was alarmed when she was sent up to his room instead of meeting him in the lobby, when she got to the room Harvey met her in a bathrobe and if he could give her a massage or if she could watch him shower. In 2014 he invited Emily Nester who had only been a temporary employee to the same hotel and I’m sure you have piece together what happened next.
Ambra Battilana Gutierrez (model), Mira Sorvino (actress), Jessica Barth (actress/producer), Emma de Caunes (actress), and former aspiring actress Lucia Evans. These are woman who have spoken up about Harvey’s interactions with them, but there are so many more. More than 40 women have accused him and yet nothing was done about it till this year. Harvey hasn’t even been found guilty yet, but the evidence or rather victims are stacked against him.
  Man’s reign over woman has ended along ago, this has been difficult for many men to let go. Harvey is one of these men. However, the amount of power abuse that is still used in show business is sickening. It’s sort of like the food chain right? The higher up on the food chain the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the more egotistical you become, and the more egotistical you become means that you think you can do whatever you want right? What is this? Do you we live in the dark ages? Last time I checked, it was 2017 and woman are just a powerful as men. The act of using ones status and or position in the workplace to one’s advantage is a song that has long been sung. In my opinion this song is like a broken record, overplayed and pathetic.
So Mr. Weinstein, you’re lawyer, Lisa bloom has told us that you are and I quote “A dinosaur learning new ways”.  Oh please, learning new ways? If you were a decent human being you would’ve never in a million years put down and degrade women the way you have been.             

Sources: New York times and TMZ


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