Slut Shaming!- Because what else are you going to do with your life? an editorial by Julia

Slut Shaming! - Because what else are going to do with your life?

By Julia Turcotte, for BRCI Editorials Posted October 23rd, 2017 9:20 AM CST Last Updated:

In the photo a person is holding a sign, in response to victim blaming tactics.

Slut shaming: is defined as an act of making a female or male feel guilty and/or ashamed of their sexual behavior that deviate from social normality’s, while placing unfair expectations on them. Slut shaming is overrated, and I didn’t know people still do it. Society teaches people; to be sexual, but not too sexual, be conservative, but tasteful, cover- up, but look sexy. That’s what people like.  Although anyone can get slut shamed, it is not surprising that it is most common in young females. Why would society let women live peacefully?

There is a saying, “Boys will be boys, and girls will be sluts”, I’ve heard this multiple times on social media. People often used this statement sarcastically. Girls are constantly criticized for being in-touch with their sexuality while guys get a free pass. The most they get called is a ‘stud’ and a ‘player’. They are praised for their sexuality. Why is this? Is it because people can’t imagine what the world would be like if women were confident and lived their life the way they want to? Men feel the need to be superior and once women start to become confident and stop relying a men, they go into attack mode.

 46% of high school females are slut shamed. In 2013, a young girl from Steubenville, Ohio was raped and attacked by an unknown man. She was harassed and bullied by online strangers; giving her the name “drunken slut”. Members of Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity at Pennsylvania State University had a facebook page of unconsentual nude pictures of girls, leaving these girls for the world to criticize them and shame them on social media. They’re getting torn down by strangers while these guys are getting praised for the same thing.

 I’ve always wondered what goes through people’s minds when making these comments. Why do you feel the need to inflict hurt onto others? Slut shaming is far more harmful than just name calling. Suicides/ attempts in teenagers is a disgustingly high number. In 2012, there were over 1.3 million suicide attempts and 39,426 suicide deaths. Where do we draw the line?

What really can be done to stop this? We need to create equal treatment in men and women when I comes to their sexuality. It is never a women’s fault for being raped. Ignorance is not always bliss. People tend to just ignore the subject like it will disappear the next day. We need to stop the bullying and the shaming and just let people live. It is no-one’s business what you do with your time, as long as you’re being safe. The world would be a better place if people would just mind their own. Spread love and positivity, not hate and negativity.

To those who have been slut shamed and bullied be proud of your sexuality and keep your head up and stay confident! Because people who bully and criticize you are just jealous that you have something they don’t. You have courage and individuality!

“The truth about slut shaming” The, 04/15/2015 09:19 am ET Updated Jun 15, 2015

“Suicide Statistics”, September 6th, 2016


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