Somalia: A Cold Shoulder an editorial by Harmony

Somalia: A Cold Shoulder
By: Harmony Guimond, October 24. 2017 9:33am.

Why aren’t we with Somalia? Around the world there have been many tragedies. As soon as a tragedy is dubbed as a “Terrorist Attack” the media blows up and is all over social media with support from all over the world. The only exception to this is the bombing attack in Somalia. Why can’t the media give Somalia the coverage it needs to get the help it deserves? Everyone needs to bring more attention to this tragic event against helpless people in a third world country.
The bombing attack happened only days after the Vegas shooting incident, on October 14, 2017. The attack was commenced by Al-Shabaab, the local Islamic terrorist group. It all happened when a truck was left in Mogadishu, and it was left to explode causing everything nearby to collapse. The bombing attack left more than 300 people dead, 300 people in critical condition, and over a 100 people still missing. These numbers are sure to rise because many people are still missing currently, and many people believe the number will never truly be known. So why isn’t this covered by the media? Why don’t we have it all over social media with supporters from all over the globe? This attack was considered one of the most lethal terrorist attacks around the world for many years, yet the public suddenly has a cold shoulder.
A vast majority of people believe that Somalia isn’t getting the exposure because the main religion is Islam and they are people of colour. Nowadays when ignorant people hear the word Islam, they instantly connect it to the terms “terrorists” and “terrorism.” This is where the problem stems. If Islam is all about terrorism, how can a peaceful Islamic community such as Mogadishu become victimized by an act of such lethal terrorism?
I want people to open their eyes and realize their ignorance. They can take the time to understand something but choose not to. People can support others but not Somalia over fear and hatred. They choose to let racism take their minds over humanity. They choose to still live in fear over a religion that offers nothing but peace and love. I want more people to bring attention to this, so it will open up some eyes about the Islamic community; and how they fall victim to harmful stereotypes against them. A simple hashtag on social media could be one way to bring everyone’s attention. Simple exposure by the news would shed some light on this tragic event.
 #Somalia #MogadishuTruckBombing #Mogadishu #PrayForMogadishu #MogadishuInMourning

Works Cited
Burke, Jason. “Mogadishu Truck Bomb: 500 Casualties in Somalia's Worst Terrorist Attack.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 16 Oct. 2017,
Jazeera, Al. “Double Standards: 'Why Aren't We All with Somalia?'.” News | Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 17 Oct. 2017,
Burke, Jason. “Thousands March in Somalia after Attack That Killed More than 300.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 18 Oct. 2017,

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Andria Allmond, Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Public Affairs Oct 17, 2017. United States Africa Command,


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