Star Trek: Discovery - Has Innovation Gone Too Far? an editorial by Laurina

Star Trek: Discovery – Has Innovation Gone Too Far?
Laurina Farr
October 31st, 2017 9:18am

You see the expression on James Frain’s (on the far right) face? That’s Star Trek fans’ reaction to Star Trek: Discovery; also known as: ‘when will we get to the Star Trek?’

            In a multi-series franchise, one of the challenges faced by producers is how to innovate their series in such a way that it feels a part of the same world, but isn’t a mere re-hash of a previous series. However, in innovating the Star Trek formula for Discovery, the producers left out a major component along the way.

            When Star Trek: Discovery first aired, I was excited. I haven’t been ‘in to’ Star Trek for very long; I’m just old enough to remember when the first Abrams’ movie came out, but since then, I’ve familiarized myself with the series as a whole. I’ve learnt that Star Trek, at its heart, has always been about exploration: of other worlds, of philosophy, and of current world issues.

However, that exploration can easily lead into a very dark, gritty experience. So, it was balanced by the campy, humorous, interactions of the crew, either between themselves or the situation of the week. I’m not saying that there couldn’t be a completely serious episode, there definitely were, but there had to be a balance.

            Star Trek: Discovery is definitely following Star Trek’s heart; it’s diving deeper into morality and current world issues than ever before. Yet, something feels off. Something is missing… Humour.

 This was the innovation that the producers decided to induce. They decided to focus on the drama and suspense, and in doing so they lost the balance that had worked so well previously. Of course, some people say that this is the “…only Star Trek that would be palatable right now” (David Houghton, Star Trek Discovery is Still Star Trek, I disagree, because Star Trek: Discovery isn’t the only Star Trek palatable right now; it simply isn’t Star Trek.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Star Trek: Discovery is a good show, but if you were to take away all of the sound effects, Star Trek specific props, Vulcans, and bleep out anything to do with “Starfleet” or “Federation”, then it could be any show. You wouldn’t be able to tell that it was Star Trek, maybe Star Trek inspired, but not Star Trek. Which is a serious problem, because any Star Trek series should instinctively feel like Star Trek; just like any Star Wars movie should instinctively feel like Star Wars.

            So, why doesn’t Star Trek: Discovery feel like Star Trek? It’s because the producers and writers messed up when innovating the Star Trek formula for 2017. Sure, they nailed the social commentary, but they forgot to add comedy. They forgot to have balance, and Star Trek: Discovery is all the worse for it.

·         Houghton, David. “Star Trek Discovery is still Star Trek.” published October 12th, 2017. accessed October 19th, 2017.
·         Wilkins, Alasdair. “’Star Trek: Discovery’ Reveals why the Final Frontier is so Troubling.” published October 16th, 2017. accessed October 19th, 2017.

·         “File:Star Trek- Discovery (36433216761).jpg.” wikimedia. published August 21st, 2017.
. accessed October 23rd, 2017.


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