Why is This Still A Thing? an editorial by Caitlin

Why is This Still a Thing?
Author Caitlin Arcand, October 27, 9:30 am

Missing women justice poster google

The number of indigenous women and girls missing increases every year.  So far there is only very little help being offered. The number of indigenous female victims of homicide have increased over the past several decades while the number of non- indigenous female victims have been declined. That means indigenous women and girls are more of a target than non-indigenous women. This is a problem that has been happening for years. Families of these missing women need justice. There are many factors that put aboriginal women in risk. A lot of them include colonization, residential schools, and involvement with child welfare. There are sources helping the families of missing women. The ‘National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls’. This website is the National inquiry’s official online site where you can keep track of updates of the missing women and girls. All news and updates are published by the commission on to the website page.  The National Inquiry are determined to use their strategy to help the families of missing and murdered women move forward. Their mission is to learn the truth through learning by honoring the lives of the missing women and girls.

Still, it seems like there not much help being done. Each day more and more women and girls are missing, as they go missing these women seem to get younger and younger. Today, you see a lot of young indigenous girls and women missing posters scrolling through Facebook and on the news. You see the ages go from 12, 13 and sometimes even 10 and younger.  We need to protect our women and girls. Women are our aunties, sisters, cousins, nieces and mothers. Women are our future. My Suggestion is we need to protect them and help prevent this problem through teaching young women that it is not okay to run away from our problems. We need to teach our women to keep themselves safe at all times. Families of the missing and murdered women and girls go through fear, and heartbreak every day. Hoping that the next generation doesn’t have to go through what they went through. Teaching young women and protection them could be another step to help prevent this problem. 


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