Are We Straying Further From The Middle? an editorial by Mark

Centrism in Politics
Mark. 10/27/17

Are We Straying Further From The Middle?

Throughout this year we have noticed a larger divide in political beliefs; from conservatives and liberals to fascists and communists. It's gone from a simple difference in view and sharing ideas to convince or bring your views to surface to screaming and shouting at each other, calling each other names in the house of commons and in debate rooms and violence on the streets with Antifa (anti-fascist group) and white supremacists; whose views differ but act in the same way. In Antifa’s case, assault with bike locks and 2-4 with nails on the end. Or these “nazis” threatening with guns or other objects.
Now we all know the neo nazi origin but, why are they becoming more prevalent? Well let's look at it this way; the Democratic National Convention (DNC) campaign was a disaster to say the very least, with wikileaks and the Hillary Clinton email debacle. While Donald Trump's campaign was a nightmare; it really wasn't, he made himself a news-station's best friend with hours of free advertisement. No one was talking about what Hillary was doing until after the election; Trump was the center of attention. So no wonder Trump had a bigger influence on the election, whether people just enjoyed how he “triggered” liberals which I must say he did, as much as it frustrates me, I lost my head in how the liberals in the election acted like children. So there are your reasons for why these extremes are being forced on the right side. Now the left side, with this “racist homophobic nazi” in power they “must” revolt so now we must rampage down the streets to get anything done. And let's take in the fact that I'm a Liberal myself and believe in these ideas for a more left leaning country but why, why do you need to assault people in the streets and why is it that anyone who doesn't share your agenda is now a nazi?

But still why is there so much violence, now the far - and I mean far - right has had violence a violent past for a few years, this extreme left is pretty new in america. since 1907, portland, oregon, has hosted an annual Rose Festival. Since 2007, the festival had included a parade down 82nd Avenue. Since 2013, the Republican Party of Multnomah County, which includes Portland, had taken part. This April, all of that changed. In the days leading up to the planned parade, a group called the Direct Action Alliance declared, “Fascists plan to march through the streets,” and warned, “Nazis will not march through Portland unopposed.” this was an article written by Peter Beinart of The Atlantic in September. He talked about a anti fascist group protesting the Rose Festival, they say they are battling the Alt Right but Peter Beintart raises a good question; Are they fueling the fire they are trying to extinguish? I think so. With these bullshit claims that they are “fighting” nazism or fascists, large portions of the group are toxic racists and sexists, mind you not your typical I hate africans and women but the opposite, treating men like the evil in the world and caucasians like useless meat. They claim they against all of these problems but the act like the Klu Klux Klan or the Neo-Nazi groups they seem to be fighting. So I ask you if you will you fall into the idea that they are the good guys?


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