Emotional Abuse Is There Too
By: Angie, Oct. 24, 2017 5:30 pm

 “This image represents of a kid who has been abused in many ways such as Emotional Abuse. The light represents a door being open to his room by whomever is causing this abuse.”

We have all heard of abusive relationships and how you shouldn’t hit people. What happens when you emotionally abuse someone, or perhaps your child. Abuse is wrong no matter if its physical or emotional, you are still hurting someone maybe without even know it.

Some might ask what is Emotional Abuse. It might sound simple but its more complicated than that. It can be caused if someone is yelling, using swear words, mocking, ignoring, humiliating. Sometimes parents do most of these things if they lose their temper or if they have issues that they are dealing on their own. This can cause your child to not show the correct emotions at the correct times. Some children may show only anger because they aren’t taught that anger is bad because they see their parents like that all the time. Most parents get frustrated with their kids and that is normal but correcting your child can be helpful along the road. Let them express their emotions and then correct them in a way that they understand what is wrong at wrong times or what is correct at the correct times.

Examples of how Emotional Abuse is caused, biggest things:
·         Lying. In any relationship if there is no trust then its damaged. Lying to your kids about a few things if they are young is known to be as normal parenting. Once they are older you shouldn’t lie to them, you should explain to them if they have question about anything. And also promises, if you promise your kid something follow through. Don’t crush them with “I forgot” or “I’m sorry next time”. Because soon or later they will get the hint and then they will possibly not ask you for anything ever again which can lead to lots of problems.
·         Ignoring. Don’t ignore your kids about anything. That will only hurt them much more if they are struggling with something help them out don’t just roll your eyes and get angry at them because they will learn as they grow much older to do that to their kids once they start a family. They are always there when you need them even if it can be about ridiculous things, be there for them too.
·         No Communication. If you ignore your kids, they will eventually learn how to live without you by their side which is wrong because they won’t know what’s right or what’s wrong. They will either pick up bad habits or they will stay silent and away from the world. Communicating with your child is good because you get to teach them from right and wrong so they can become responsible in depended people. Emotionally abused kids are often punished for expressing their emotions.

No one notices Emotional Abuse, you might think it’s silly or not realistic but it’s here. It can affect your kids or maybe it has already affected you. Emotionally Abused can lead to: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal. No one wants that for their kids.

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