Gay couple adoption rights
Give Gay Parents a Chance
By Amaury James Manitoken for ELA30: Nov 1st 2017

A single father with his child at a gay pride parade.
To give gay couples a chance to adopt children is to literally give a child a chance to have a family. Letting people of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) community adopt could raise adoption percentage even more. There is an estimate of 594,000 same sex couple households in the United States, about 115,000 of them live with children and an estimated 22,000 of these children are adopted. As same-sex couples are four times more likely to be living with an adopted child than opposite-sex couples, then letting a gay couple adopt is giving the child a future. The number one argument is that it goes against someone else's beliefs. Just because you are in love with someone you're not allowed to take care of a defenseless child and give him/her the chance to survive. Today, gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States and number are still climbing? If this keeps up an estimated 15% of all adopted children in the year 2030 could be raised in a same-sex household.

Good parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation. Children in same-sex households are just the same as in opposite-sex households. Many have made the conclusion that children from same-sex couples are different and maybe more likely to be gay/lesbian themselves.  This “fact” has been disproven many times with plenty of straight children come from a homosexual settings the same as gay/lesbian children come from heterosexual settings. Instead of being exposed to biased lifestyle these children are being exposed to love, compassion, support and diversity in family setting and structure. These elements are important in any family, same-sex or not. Children are our future we should give them a chance to live now.

"Arguments for and against Gay Adoption." Debating Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2017

Adoptions, Lifelong. “Lgbt Adoption.” LifeLong Adoptions,

“This Article in the Census in Brief Series Paints a Demographic Picture of Same-Sex Couples in Canada in 2016. It Includes the Number of Same-Sex Couples, the Sex Distribution, the Place of Residence (Urban or Rural), the Conjugal Status (Married or Common-Law) and the Presence of Children.” Census in Brief: Same-Sex Couples in Canada in 2016, Government of Canada, Statistics Canada, 2 Aug. 2017,


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