The Hurt, Pain, Guilt, and Support an editorial by Brittany

The Hurt, Pain, Guilt, and Support

By: Brittany Walker, for English 30A, Posted October 19, 2017 10:58 AM Last updated: 11/03/2017
You never think it is going to happen… Until it is too late. I’m writing on behalf of those who have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted. Everyone knows that sexual assault/harassment happens. Who’s taking a stand behind it? First, I’m going to tell you my story.

“I was waiting for my ride home afterschool one day in grade 9 with my best friend. She told me that she started talking to this guy online. When I was shown the messages, I knew something was wrong. I then went home and downloaded the app “Yetti”. I quickly received a message from the same person. He asked to meet after a few days of talking, and hang out for a while. I agreed. He came to pick me up and we then went to Booster Juice. Later on he asked to watch movies back at his place. I agreed. When we got to his house, we were choosing a movie to watch… We didn’t find one that interested us, so we just watched a baseball game. We just started watching when he grabbed me and started kissing me. I told him to stop. He then pushed my arms down onto the couch so I couldn’t move. He then forced himself inside of me. When I contacted the police, they went to meet him and gave him a “warning”.”
The graph below states how many people have been affected by sexual assault and harassment. (Percentage wise) Although, these are only the people that have been able to tell someone/report the abuser. There are a lot more people who have been affected by this.

Seeing that graph… How does that make you feel? We are told that equality is made here in Canada. My abuser was a Caucasian man. I guarantee that if the man was aboriginal, he would’ve gotten more consequences other than a “warning”. There are perpetrators all over the world; some cases have not been dealt with fairly.  

Millions of people know of these situations happening; none are speaking up. Do you know why? Because they are terrified that when they open up, they will not be heard. Once some of the victims know that they will be heard and people will listen; they’ll tell their stories. Telling their stories will relieve so much pain and guilt that they have towards themselves. I’m a victim of rape. I’ve spent the past 2 years blaming myself for the event that happened. Until I posted my story online and saw that people cared, and supported me. People shared my story on Facebook, to support the trouble I’ve been through. They showed support, and asked how they could help. Sharing your story will help you in so many ways. Especially relieving the guilt you have towards yourself. After sharing my story, I have been a lot happier, and I’m ready to help those who can’t bear to help themselves.

My name is Brittany Walker. On November 3rd, 2017 I can now say that I am free.


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