Sexual Assault is NOT your fault!

Sexual Assault is NOT your fault!
By Chloe Kozakevich for Wallings Period One Posted 1/22/2019 at 10:15 a.m
Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. Sexual assault is a crime, yet there are about 460 000 sexual assaults in Canada.

In my own experience, people always told me that it was because of the way I dress and how I make myself vulnerable. When they told me that I believed them for the longest time, I blamed myself. I never went for help. I never told the authorities; because if it was really my fault then I couldn’t be mad at the people who did that to me. Let me tell you, not telling anyone for the longest time just broke me. It was a mistake. It made me feel alone; like I would never find someone who wanted me for me. It haunted me. I shouldn’t be scared to walk in the dark but I am. I was scared of being alone. Then I remembered, I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t the only one who had this traumatic event happen to them.
Eventually, I talked to someone about it. They told me that it wasn’t my fault. Sexual assault isn’t caused by wearing sexy clothes, flirting, alcohol or walking home alone. It has only one cause. A sexual assault perpetrator.

One in every three women and one in every six men experience sexual violence in their lifetime. Thirty-nine percent of Canadian adult women have had at least one sexual assault incident since they have been sixteen years old.

We need to speak up to make a difference. To put all these perpetrators in a cell. We do not deserve this! No one does! Out of 1000 sexual assaults, 33 are reported to the police, 29 are recorded as a crime, 12 have had charges laid, 6 are prosecuted. Out of 1000 different sexual assault cases, 991 are untouched, meaning the perpetrator gets to walk free and do it again.

Sexual assault is the most underreported crimes. Why? When is this going to change? How can us victims make a stop to this? Let’s speak up! Let’s tell our story. We deserve that right. We are the difference. Let’s save the next victim from this.

Remember. It is NOT your fault. You are the victim, don’t let anyone tell you different.  



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