Ban Plastic Straws From High Schools! By: Lyndon Karol

by Lyndon Karol|For Walling's BlogSpot |Posted November 29th, 2019| 11:57AM

plastic straws that most likely will end up in ocean.
We’ve all heard of the movement or hashtag ‘#SaveTheTurtles’ but do we all know what we are saving them from? There are many things but one of them and one of the biggest problems turtles and other sea life suffers from is plastic disposable straws.

Plastic straws are one of the worlds biggest problems today, and why do we even need them? We don't. Some drinks can only be consumed using a straw, but most of them we do not need a straw for. And for the ones that we do need a straw for can be replaced with a reusable alternative straw. I think straws are really bad but it would be really hard to ban it from a high school. All i'm trying to say is do we really need plastic straws? If I wasn't given one from convenience stores, fast food restaurants, etc. and I had to figure out my own way to consume the drink I could. And I don't think I would go buy some plastic straws. Especially when I know what they are doing and the harm they cause.

In america over 500 million straws are used everyday, it's not like our school or any school is using many straws at all anyway. But it adds up, over the years and all of the schools there are its alot. Even if we recycled every straw they are usually too small to be recycled properly, or due to human error they end up in the ocean anyways. So what can we do? Just not using the straws is not enough, you must ask before getting served a drink to have no straw with it. Because once a straw is opened, its likely to become waste anyway. Everybody individually has to realize that straws aren't needed, and how bad they are and then maybe we will see a change.

Works Cited
“  For A Strawless Ocean.” For A Strawless Ocean,


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