Why We Should Ban Plastic Straws From Our School by Jayden Hewett

by Jayden Hewett|For Walling's BlogSpot|Posted Nov 29th, 2019|11:54am

This photo represents how metal straws could be a substitute to plastic straws.

Nowadays in schools and around schools, there are so many plastic straws and plastic pieces that are not recyclable. The amount of plastics that are used is unnecessary. There are a lot of the problems with having such a high quantity of plastic that is not able to be recycled. Some of the problems being that they get left around the school and don’t get thrown out o recycled and using so much plastic is a problem because it is going to end up somewhere it shouldn’t be like the oceans of will just be packed under soil creating methane pockets under the surface of the earth with is not good for our environment.

A couple of solutions could be kids instead of using plastics bags all the time they could bring a reusable fabric bag or a backpack to bring their lunch in. or other things they could be used are glass containers for food or glass water bottles instead of using plastic ones. Straws are also a big problem for finding them in places they shouldn’t, like the floor in the soil in the rivers and oceans. Plastic straws are used way more than they should be and they do not get disposed of properly. Everywhere you go, you go out for lunch to get food. You go to McDonald's and get a meal of burger fries and a drink. When you get a drink, you will get a straw too and you come back to school to eat and after you are done eating you might just throw it out and not worry about it. But others might leave their stuff at the table or they will go throw it out and miss the garbage then the plastic and garbage are on the ground being left there. Some things you could do to prevent some of the use with plastics is when you go to get food when you get a drink you could ask for the drink without the straw. Some other things you could do is when you're at school make sure whatever you have had gone in the garbage and put what is recyclable put in the recycle bin.

here are lots of things we could do to make a difference. A lot of things are simple, and anyone could do them you just have to be willing to do them. One small thing like ordering your meal without a straw for a drink helps. That’s one less straw that could make it to the ocean and affect the health of our ocean and affects a lot of the animals that live in the ocean. Having a clean ocean Is important for a lot of things like saving ocean life that we might use for food like fish. With all the plastic the fish ingest it and we eat the fish and there are little microscopic particles of plastic that we are now eating.


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