Abortion Right are Women's Right by Kinzah Bajwa

Abortion Right are Women's Right!

By Kinzah Bajwa for Ms. Walling's Blog spot, Posted  January 18th, 2020. 

Published in FreeSvg by Clipart

Every woman has the right to their reproductive rights. Females should be allowed to have the right to abort their unborn child without the consent of the father. The reason why is that no man has the right to control a woman’s decision to abort the child.  Secondly abortion is a very painful process and if a woman feels that she is not ready to have the child or can’t afford it, she has the right to abort it. Also no one knows why she took this step in the first place. For example, she could have been forced into sexual intercourse, and wouldn’t want to have a memory of it by giving birth to the rapist's child. Morally the question is why are abortion wrong? Should they be illegal or banned? 

Abortion is not morally wrong or it doesn't define it being a right to go through an abortion process. We as individuals have to realize, if  it is the best thing or not the best thing to do. There are two ways the society views abortion laws. Some Individuals believe in ‘Pro-life 'and others believe in ‘Pro-choice’. Pro-life: they believe that everyone has the right to live, even if it is just a fetus. They always think it is wrong unless, a female has complications in her pregnancy. The people who are included in the Pro-life are, religious scholars and people who have a strong belief system. For example, Christians or Muslims who believe that abortion is a sinful act and that everyone has the right to live.  Pro-choice: individuals who support that females have the right to do whatever they wish and that right is given by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to everyone. The people who are included are, feminists who believe that females have the right to do whatever they desire to and believe in equality.   

The Charter of Rights and Freedom, clearly states that everyone has a right and enforces equality. Every woman has the right to do what they want without having to consult with a man. Women are people, not solely, or a machine for reproduction, women have the right to their own body. Everyone should be Pro-choice considering they support women’s rights and beliefs. It is important to spread awareness that everyone should be equal, and that women have the right to their own choices.  

Work Cited:

Vedran. “My Body My Choice 3.” My Body My Choice 3 | Free SVG, freesvg.org/my-body-my-choice-3.
“Ethics - Abortion: Introduction to the Abortion Debate.” BBC, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/legal/introduction_1.shtml.


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