Air pollution is “Damaging” Saskatchewan and Saskatchewanians aren’t realizing it.

By Muhammad Siddiqui | For Walling's BlogSpot| January 17th, 2020 | 10:23 PM    

air pollution
In this Dec. 2, 2012 file photo, smoke billows from smokestacks near Emmett, Kansas. (Charlie Riedel / AP Photo)   

I believe air pollution is becoming dangerous to Saskatchewan day-by-day because of our dependence on coal, greenhouse gases, and other fossil fuels. Saskatchewan has a high greenhouse emission rate. To support the province's regular resources and keep up a decent personal satisfaction for Saskatchewanians and ages to come, I believe - the residents, communities, and businesses need to reduce their carbon footprints in their everyday lives. We must change soon, then why not start right now!

Saskatchewanians are ignoring the fact that air pollution has them in great danger because of the international stereotype “Canada is the best country in the World in terms of the environment”. I believe we can fight air pollution by changing small basic things in our everyday lives. We can walk or ride bicycles instead of taking the bus or driving a car. It is understandable driving in chilly weather days, but then we can take a look at electric vehicles or fuel-efficient cars. In our everyday life we can save electricity as much as we can by turning lights off after leaving a room; since electricity takes burning fossil fuel to generate or we can install solar panels which is a completely natural resource. And lastly, we can stop doing unnecessary stuff like smoking or vaping which is polluting the earth in a small, but dangerous way. Anyways, but these solutions might not work because of many reasons. One of the most crucial points of all is that the stopping of burning fossil fuel means many factories are going to shut down which means Canadian currency could take extensive damage. Another defect in this solution is electric cars because of Saskatchewan’s harsh weather the batteries are easy to die out meaning many jump-starts will be needed for the car to work. Lastly, another weakness I see in this solution is an expensive solar panel, and it will be a huge pain in the winter. If we take baby steps perfecting these ideas, we might just be able to save Saskatchewan from air pollution.

The best thing we can do is change our everyday life and spread the ideas to our friends and family and tell them to spread it as well. I think in our environmental science we should learn about what is hurting our province in terms of the environment. Environmental science should be one of the required subjects. Change at least one thing about your lifestyle that is negatively affecting the environment, and challenge others to do it as well. Although we may not be able to bring a drastic and immediate change, our daily small steps can create a path towards a better future for us all.       

works cited: Green living"Environment", goGreen, January 17th,2013,        
works cited: Figuring out where plus and minus are on solar panels,"Solar Power News & DIY Solar Tips" altestore, July 11th 2017,


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