Black Markets in Canada Kory.N


               Kory Nutter.
               January 20, 2020

Black Markets In 

                                Some people don't know that there are black markets in Canada. Black markets are and have being a problem in Canada for a long time now, nobody really has made a severe dent in the black market. people have been trying for many years and still don't completely understand much about the black market. Most of the Cannabis in Canada was sold on the black market about 79% of it was believed.
Image result for black markets
I think that the reason that the black market is still not affected by the legalization of Cannabis is that the black market just ended up making it a better deal for people that always use the black market before legalization, or making more people go to the black market to get stuff like that for much “easier way”.

In my opinion I don’t think it’s a problem to me but to some it is a very hard problem. I don’t have the biggest or next to none say in this, so it wouldn’t change much for what I say but what I think is that we made the black market more popular for people that are or were able to get on to the black market. The public don't know that when they're going online, typically the first three or four sites that will come up online will be illegal sites to purchase cannabis.
Experts say more could have been done to address these issues, including bringing black market cultivators into the fold, and that creating laws simply to put more strict prohibitions on illegal selling isn’t the way to go. Still, there’s one undeniable gain so far from legalization. Consumers can avoid getting hit with legal troubles for lighting up even if cannabis possession charges had been declining steeply in the years prior to legalization.




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