Enslaving Your Rights

Maegan Linklater

Published: January 20th, 2020 at 9:30am

Artist: Maegan Linklater

Individuals who have been trafficked share several experiences which are incomprehensible to the average mindthough many women, children, and men are trafficked each and every day within this large underground network. This is modern day slavery while stripping the rights of individuals and forcing victims into exploited labour as well as drug and sex trafficking. Unfortunately, people believe slavery is an issue of the past. However, it is still very relevant with an increased severity and decreased awareness, especially by police. 

large population sees the act as harmless and feel it should be decriminalized. A survey showed 650,000 teenagers ranging from grades 7-12 exchanged sex for money or drugs. Arguments say the adultery is victimless and should be treated as any other business which can be taxed and regulated through the government. Working conditions can become more secure and safe under legal protections, says a protestor. However, there is much evidence that it can be equally as harmful since the protection would only serve a small amount of people. Residents and businesses in the surrounding areas would also be hit with a negative impact due to the stigma around prostitution. Alongside this, there is an increased risk of minors within the surrounding area to gain interest or be forced into the trade without police or government recognition. Mortality rates are increased by almost 200% which were caused by homicide, suicide, drugs or alcohol, HIV infection, and accidents, none of which are desired, especially for a minor. 

Many perpetrators are men who have been found to have post-secondary educationwhich furthermore displays that these men aren’t demographically atypical but their attitude towards women does stand out. These consumers are less likely to have liberal stand pointson topics such as premarital sex and sex among minors while also more often thinking about sex.Consumers were also more likely to have been molested as childrenor having reported that they forced women into sexual acts. Officials say thebest way to eliminate sexual exploitation requires attacking it at the consumer level. Without the demand, there is no need for a supply therefore canceling the distributers. Supply demands a cause which creates a distributer. 

            Changing laws are not enough to save victims and neighbourhoods. With increased awareness and sharing of experiences, other victims can feel safer in sharing their story to help diminish the trafficking network and give police a better understanding of what to search for. I believe in my lifetime change can be achieved, saving thousands. 

mahamabedi1. “'Modern Day Slavery': Why Human Trafficking Often Flies under the Radar in Canada.” Global News, Global News, 14 Feb. 2019, https://globalnews.ca/news/4956517/human-trafficking-labour-canada/.

“Human Trafficking.” Public Safety Canada / Sécurité Publique Canada, 19 Sept. 2019, https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/hmn-trffckng/index-en.aspx.

Twitter @globetoronto Opens. “More than 30 People Arrested in Multi-Province Human-Trafficking Investigation.” The Globe and Mail, 17 Oct. 2019, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/toronto/article-more-than-30-people-arrested-in-multi-province-human-trafficking/.


“Editorial: Human Sex Trafficking.” Taylor & Francis, www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08974451003641057?journalCode=wwcj20.


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